The Beauty of Ritual RSS


We are heartbroken over the surge in hate crimes against the Asian American community and are committed to using our platform to not only condemn racism, but shine a brighter light on those who lift us up. For this Inspired By series, we’d like to highlight some of those artists in the AAPI community and acknowledge the legacy they will leave behind for generations to come. Yayoi KusamaThis Japanese artist is best known for her works in sculpture and installation, but her conceptual style knows no bounds. Her intense, large-scale environments are often dense and vibrant - inspired by the rise of Abstract Expressionism in the US. Her signature use of dots comes from the idea that everything in our...

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RITUAL 12: Upgrade Your Self-Care Rituals

  With all that has been going on in the world this last year, we have never found more solace in my self-care routines. It's so important to find the time to unwind, relax, and appreciate the little things so that we can remain focused and positive. Here at MAVE, we believe in indulging in our me-time - which is why we've added a few new items to our daily rituals. One obsession as of late is the sea sponge. Not only do these help make your skincare products last longer, but it also provides an incredibly soft exfoliation on sensitive skin. Plus, they are bio-degradable making them a non-toxic solution. Zitomer’s is an upscale pharmacy in the Upper East Side...

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Ritual 11: Top Tips for Dry Skin

  1. Start With the AirAdd moisture to the air to keep your skin moist in and out of your soak. Add a humidifier to your ‘me-time’ space. 2. Use Warm WaterHot, long showers or baths can actually strip your skin of its natural oils. When your skin is extra dry, try limiting your bath or shower time to 5-10 minutes - and use warm water.3. Don’t Skip the BuffA gentle, light exfoliation will help buff the skin so “serums and moisturizers can penetrate and really get to work.” MAVE’s Full-Body Exfoliant was designed to be effective, yet gentle enough for everyday use on the most sensitive skin.4. Ditch the Towel-DryMoisturize immediately after washing. Try using a body oil to help...

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INSPIRED BY: Jennie C. Jones

  Jennie C. Jones is a Black artist currently working in New York. The Midwest native has made waves through her ability to combine painting and sound. Her work as a visual and sonic artist draws from minimalism, abstraction, and Black history in an effort to engage her audience.These connections between art and sound are made with multiple mediums, from paintings to sculptures and paper to audio collages. Jones’ conceptual works reflect on the impact of both modernism and minimalism. Her use of unconventional materials and simplified compositions work to bring sound to the forefront.We look to Jones’ works for inspiration in unlikely combinations. Her ability to combine unexpected elements and strive to find the perfect balance is one reason...

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Ritual 10: Say Farewell to Ingrown Hairs

We know these red, irritated bumps can not only be annoying, but painful. So we are here to help you prevent them!What causes ingrown hairs?Ingrown hairs happen when your hair grows back into the skin - and most commonly happens post-shave. Sometimes, it’s due to dead skin clogging a hair follicle - forcing it to grow sideways under your skin. Other times it’s the act of shaving itself. Shaving can create sharp edges in the hair, especially if the hair is dry when shaved. No matter the cause, you are often left with the same result: a very uncomfortable situation. What are the best ways to avoid them?There are plenty of steps you can take to help avoid these pesky...

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