INSPIRED BY: Black Artists


The last couple weeks have brought about a lot of emotions. Anger, sadness, shame, helplessness - just to name a few. But, as we process the tragic death of George Floyd, I am choosing one emotion to guide me: inspiration. 

I’m inspired by our friends of color and their strength.
By those protesting, voting, and making their voices heard
By those across the globe showing their support
By those donating to organizations for justice
By those businesses dedicated to inclusivity
By those educating themselves
By those supporting black-owned brands

It only seems right for this issue of ‘INSPIRED BY’ to focus on those in the Black community. Black artists have been making waves in the art world for centuries, but today we want to focus on those who are shaping our future.



Ringgold is a painter, writer, mixed media sculptor and performance artist, but is best known for her narrative quilts. Her ability to tell stories through her vibrant, visual quilt designs inspires us to look beyond the norm.




Known for her elaborate paintings composed of rhinestones, acrylic and enamel, Thomas uses Western art and pop culture to examine ideas around femininity, race, and sexuality.




This American photographer and photojournalist was the first Black photographer to gain agency with Magnum Photos. Reed has a strong interest in social justice and is most known for documenting the effects of war on society. 



Bradford is known for grid-like abstract paintings combining collage with paint. Bradford's practice also encompasses video, print, and installation.



Tezano’s cubism influences come to life with her use of color, texture and shapes are the core of her collages. She is often inspired by her own childhood and translates these memories through mixed media.



Painting with acrylic paint on canvas, mylar and paper, Breda’s work explores the strength, resilience and beauty of the human spirit.



Blades’ work incorporates symbolic objects and imagery that, when combined, create emotional landscapes of colors, textures, and patterns.


With love,


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